Wednesday, 31 December 2008

It's New Year's Eve!!

So it's almost 2009. Raf's in dreamland and I am one tired mama! Our neighbours kept us up all night with their very bad karaoke. I really wish if they were going to get twatted that they would at least have the decency to sing something other than very old Oasis. Raf slept blissfully on while I silently seethed :D

Will 2009 be a better year than 2008? Only one way to find out... FIGHT!! (ten points for whoever gets the reference!)

- Mama

Quote of the day: "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are" - Marianne Williamson

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Melodramatic mummy moment...

This morning Raf fell while running and his top teeth split his bottom lip open. It didn't look too bad at the time but now it looks really painful and worse than I thought at the time. Not sure if he needs to be seen by a dr/nurse or just see how it heals. The health visitor was there at the time and she didn't seem too concerned, it just looks worse than it is I think. It's twice the size and the split is across over half his lip but didn't go through. He just woke from a nap and there's blood all over his face and lovey now :(

Tuesday, 9 December 2008


Ever had those days when you're trying to be soooooooo quiet so the baby sleeps and end up bashing into every. little. thing? I hate that!!

Friday, 5 December 2008

Bathtime woes

Recently, Raf has started to HATE bathtime. As in seriously freaking out, flinging himself backwards, won't even put a toe in the water hatred. And I have NO IDEA why. I've tried bathing with him, not washing his hair in case it's the water-over-face that he doesn't like, putting on calm lights/music... what else could I do? I don't get it!! He used to be such a water baby too :(

Thursday, 4 December 2008


These are the Xmas gifts for grandparents/grandparents this year - if you're reading, look away now!! It's supposed to be a SURPRISE!!

What mama wanted them to look like (the top one)

What Raf wanted them to look like (the bottom one!)

Who needs to be neat when you're creating ART??

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

It's birthday time!!

It's Raf's first birthday!! I'm happy but sad too. I don't want him to grow up so fast!! How did we celebrate this morning? By being terrified of the wrapped presents and throwing a 1kg bag of sultanas all over the floor.

We went to grandma's for lunch and more presents, but he had a meltdown and was SO tired by 3pm that we had to leave early to get some sleep. So much happened today, I think we were both pretty exhausted. But we love all the birthday presents, thank you very much!!